Buddhism in Venlo

The meditation room in Venlo

Meditation in Venlo

The goal of Buddhism is a state of lasting, unconditional happiness known as enlightenment.

To bring us to this state, Buddhism points us to lasting values in this impermanent world, and gives us valuable information about how things really are. Through understanding the law of cause and effect, using practical tools like meditation to gain insight and develop compassion and wisdom, we — all of us — can tap into our potential to realize the ultimate goal of enlightenment.

The group in Venlo exists since 2008. Every Wednesday there is a guided meditation at 8 pm on the 16th Karmapa. Those who are interested are welcome to come by without obligation to experience how a meditation evening is going. Foreknowledge is not necessary. New visitors will receive a brief introduction about Diamond Way Buddhism.

A few times a year we organize lectures in our center, together we also attend lectures at other centers.

Are you coming for the first time, or do you have any questions? Then contact us by phone after 6 pm or send message via our Contact Form. You are most welcome!


Opening Hours

20:00 | introduction (for new visitors) + guided meditation on the 16th Karmapa


Contact Details

Deken van Oppensingel 11
5911 AA Venlo

Correspondence Address:
Gladiolenweg 16
5915 EX 

Tel: (+31) 6-36180616 (after 18:00)
Tel: (+31) 6-84517146

Contact Form



Donations to the center are deductible for income tax (ANBI).

One-off or monthly donations can be transferred to bank account (IBAN): NL41 ABNA 0139 9968 18 attn. ‘Diamantweg Boeddhisme Nederland’, stating ‘Donation’.