Buddhism in Rotterdam

The meditation room in Rotterdam


Meditation in Rotterdam

The goal of Buddhism is a state of lasting, unconditional happiness known as enlightenment.

To bring us to this state, Buddhism points us to lasting values in this impermanent world, and gives us valuable information about how things really are. Through understanding the law of cause and effect, using practical tools like meditation to gain insight and develop compassion and wisdom, we — all of us — can tap into our potential to realize the ultimate goal of enlightenment.

The Buddhist center Rotterdam was founded in 1999. Twice a week we offer (freely accessible) an introduction and meditation. On Tuesday it is in Dutch and on Thursday in English. For regular visitors there are also other times that one can meditate.

Our center is occupied by 5 people and has an informal atmosphere, free of rigidity and sentimentality. All activities are done on the basis of volunteer work, friendship and idealism.

You are very welcome to come by!


Opening Hours

Tuesday (Dutch)
19:30 | introduction for new visitors (please sign up via our contact form)
20:00 | guided meditation on the 16th Karmapa

Thursday (English)
19:30 | introduction for new visitors (please sign up via our contact form)
20:00 | guided meditation on the 16th Karmapa


Contact Details

Vijverhofstraat 20
3032 SN Rotterdam

In our area (zone 710), there is a parking fee of €3.00 per hour, but visitors to our center can park at a reduced rate. Feel free to ask about this if you plan to visit on Tuesday or Thursday evenings between 19:30 and 21:30.

For free parking you can park near the Teldersweg. From there you can reach us in 15 minutes: at the Teldersweg tram stop, take tram 125 towards Stadion Feyenoord, get off at the Schiekade stop, now just under a 5-minute walk.

Tel: (+31) 6-47570111
Tel: (+31) 6-53769104

Contact Form



Donations to the center are deductible for income tax (ANBI).

One-off or monthly donations can be transferred to bank account (IBAN): NL07 BUNQ 2059 3998 58 attn. ‘Diamantweg Boeddhisme Nederland’, stating ‘Donation’.