Buddhism in Arnhem

The meditation room in Arnhem

Meditation in Arnhem

The goal of Buddhism is a state of lasting, unconditional happiness known as enlightenment.

To bring us to this state, Buddhism points us to lasting values in this impermanent world, and gives us valuable information about how things really are. Through understanding the law of cause and effect, using practical tools like meditation to gain insight and develop compassion and wisdom, we — all of us — can tap into our potential to realize the ultimate goal of enlightenment.


Unfortunately, we currently do not have a permanent center; the building where we were housed is being demolished and is making way for housing. Until we have found a new center, we meditate weekly at a home address where everyone is welcome by appointment.

You can register via the contact form below or by phone.


Correspondence Address
Bentincklaan 13
6994 CL De Steeg

Tel: (+31) 6-46046157
Tel: (+31) 6-17716973

Contact Form



Donations to the center are deductible for income tax (ANBI).

One-time or monthly donations can be transferred to bank account (IBAN): NL12 ABNA 0140 0164 49 attn. ‘Diamantweg Boeddhisme Nederland’, stating ‘Donation’.